How to Start a Kitchen Remodel

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A kitchen remodel can be a big and challenging project — but done well it can transform the way you live in your home. The trick to making the renovation of this room a success is clear planning, both in terms of establishing what you want from the space and knowing what to ask your designer. Read on to find out where to start and what questions to ask your yourself.

1. What Do I Need to Think About Before I Start?

Before you contact a professional, it’s important to establish how you’d like your kitchen to function.

Start by writing your mission statement for the new space and ask yourself questions such as, “Do I love to cook or is it a necessary chore?” and “Will we want to eat in here?” By considering these big questions before you start making smaller decisions, you should be able to pin down exactly what you want from your ideal space.

Try to build a wish list of what the room needs to do and the contents it requires to function. This process will also help you to answer a lot of questions as you go along, as you’ll know from the beginning what you’re aiming for.

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