Tasks for New Homeowners

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Real Estate

New buyers have an opportunity to put their own stamp on their home. Make homeownership easier by learning where the main water and gas valves are, among other tips.

NEW YORK – There's no excitement quite like the adventure of your first home purchase.

Signing on the dotted lines brings a whole new spectrum of challenges, but it also gives you a great chance to put your stamp on the new place. Here are eight great steps to make your home your own, whether you're buying for the first time or the 10th.

Familiarize yourself with your house
The home inspector who checks out your home during the buying process can be a big help here by pointing out crucial components. You always want to know where the main water and gas valves are located so you can shut either down in the event of an emergency. Learn the location of your air filter and change it in accordance with your manufacturer's instructions.

Create an emergency fund
Unexpected costs can develop at any time, and having a plan and a budget for them will reduce the stress of worrying about the unknown. And when household disaster does strike, you'll be ready.

Read More: https://www.floridarealtors.org/news-media/news-articles/2024/04/tasks-new-homeowners